Sunday, May 9, 2010

mother's day bbq

My mommy ordered hamburgers, potato salad and chips for dinner. These were high-piled everything-burgers. I sauteed onions and mushrooms. We had cheddar and American slices (blech), lettuce, tomato slices, onion slices, relish, dill pickles, and jalapenos. The only thing we missed was bacon. (I had some turkey bacon but I forgot to cook it until later and it ended up being not quite the freshest stuff available. We chucked it.)

The potato salad is our family favorite, no-recipe, just-eyeball-the-amounts potato salad. I love it when it is freshly made and the potatoes are room-temperature. It's still good after it's been refrigerated, but not as good.

Add our favorite Kettle Chips and it could have been a Memorial Day barbecue. (Mom's fave are these.)

We went to the Farmer's Market yesterday and brought home two pints of blackberries. So tonight I fulfilled a two-year promise to my kids by making a blackberry cobbler. My dad picked up some BlueBell Homemade Vanilla and was a delight.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!


bnjeanette said...

Trisha, that looks amazng!
i have a non-food related comment:
i miss your old blogs :( not that i don't love reading this one, it causes me to salivate, but i miss the funny little stories of your kids and life :(

but i do love this blog :) it encourages me to try new things

Tricia said...

thanks. to be honest, i miss it too. my dinner one is easy, doesn't take a lot of brain power, that's why i'm so consistent on it. ;-) i haven't done the kid one because i mainly did it for my family who lived far away, and now we keep up through fb. my endless pursuit one is a constant guilty sadness nagging at the back ofmy mind. i have so many posts up in my head but getting them out...i just need to do it. thanks for the encouragement...i won't let you down!! ;-) ps - i think you must be the photogenic person in the world. the camera loves you, baby!

Tricia said...
