Saturday, February 13, 2010

do i really have to tell you?

First, the excuses.
  1. We had a late lunch.
  2. There were just so many kids I lost focus.
  3. They really didn't care anyway.
Technically, my kids ate popcorn balls and monster cookies for dinner. I watched our friends' kids so they could go out for a pre-Valentine's rush dinner. Nine children, four of which had brought sandwiches (which didn't get eaten), and a thrown-together Valentine's party produced just enough chaos that it was bedtime before we realized that we didn't actually eat a "dinner." 

Well, my kids didn't eat dinner, that is. I got so hungry and sort of sick that I prepared and ate an entire box of Annie's macaroni & shells at 1030pm. Not my best move. But definitely a tasty one.

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