Tonight I tried something new. I used a tried-and-true filling but instead of using filo dough, I made my own crust using the directions from my Laurel's Kitchen
The filling is Spanakopita (Greek Spinach Pie) from If I'm following that recipe in its entirety (including phyllo dough) I tweak it in the following ways: I make sure the stems are removed from the spinach and I add the juice of one lemon. I also make it in a 9x13 instead of the suggested 9x9. When it says to remove the spinach mixture from the heat and set aside to cool I also drain it of excess water. Lastly, after I've assembled it and before I put it in the oven I cut the dish into pieces. (It's easier to cut before cooking.)
I'm not going to give you the dough recipe from Laurel. It's pretty in depth and has diagrams and is complicated. If you really want it just ask, otherwise you can get the book and have your own private lesson.
All in all? Total deliciousness wrapped up in gigantic super thin crust! Oh! and I made a salad.
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