Tuesday, November 17, 2009

miso soup

I got the basics of this recipe from that Japanese Women book I read a while back. The author calls it "Japanese Country Power Breakfast." Tonight we called it dinner. It's really just a miso soup on steroids. Healthy, healthy steroids.

First, I made the dashi (broth) with shiitake mushrooms from a recipe out of my Low-Fat Moosewood. Very, very good, although I add a sheet of konbu seaweed for extra yumminess. (I've also used this recipe for good results.) Once the dashi is made I added all the extras that were suggested: rice, hard-boiled egg, fried tofu, scallions, assorted cooked veggies (I had corn, carrots, celery, napa cabbage and broccoli on hand), and of course, miso. The variations are endless. If I had thought ahead I would have sprouted some mung beans.

One kid loves this. Another two tolerate it. Picky child chooses to go hungry. Oh well. So be it.

I made everyone the same size portion and when the kids got full I ate theirs. There were no leftovers. Not with me around. It was far too delicious to eat in moderation. And did I mention how entirely good for you it is? Maybe not as good for you when you eat as much as I did, but it's better than overeating on caramel brownies, wouldn't you say?

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