Sunday, November 1, 2009

pumpkin waffles

I was going to make pizza but things kept happening and suddenly I found that with trick-or-treating and all, there wasn't enough time. To keep with the day's theme I decided to go with pumpkin waffles. They aren't as pumpkin-y as I would like, but they are a tasty bite nevertheless. (The recipe I use is from Vegan With a Vengeance.) My favorite topping is plain or vanilla yogurt with maple syrup drizzled on top. Maple and pumpkin were meant for each other. Now as far as having a sweet dinner knowing of the mountain of sweets that we would extract from our neighborhood later was probably not the best choice. At least it had whole wheat flour, right?

p.s. - a little trick: You know those days when you're out of milk and have no meat to make dinner? Or you wanted to make those cookies or muffins but there weren't enough/any eggs? Those are the days to pull out a vegan cookbook. They don't eat those things anyways so you're bound to find a non-egg, -milk, -meat solution. And a good cookbook will have recipes that are pretty delish. That's what I do anyway. Hope it helps.

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