Thursday, November 19, 2009

oatmeal pancakes

You know that recipe I was supposed to make last night? Well, it was supposed to be made tonight. Now I'm planning on using it tomorrow. That's the plan anyways. Instead we had pancakes.

Our friends had to take their son to the medical center in Houston for one of the last consultation/testing appointments for his cochlear implant. They had to leave at 6am. To accomplish this their other three children stayed the night. This meant I had to keep on six children to do their school today (we're both homeschoolers) plus fill their tummies and I have a seven-month old. It actually wasn't as bad as it sounds but I was pretty exhausted come start-dinner time.

So...we had pancakes. Five sixths of the family's favorite kind: Oatmeal Pancakes. A while ago I found the recipe here at The Family Homestead and usually make it far less healthier with all white flour and use sugar instead of sucanat. Otherwise I follow her instructions exactly. They are delicious. To feel that I put in at least a little bit of effort tonight, I made a quick little pineapple sauce for my youngest boy. He loves pineapple. (Personally, I usually eat them with plain yogurt and some maple syrup, but today I swapped chunky peanut butter for the yogurt. Tastalicious.)

Kudos for me for making dinner. No kudos for the huge pile of dishes I'm ignoring until tomorrow.

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