Sunday, November 1, 2009

overpriced and undernourished.

I was starving. I had to leave my family at the soon-to-be bonfire before the wienie roast since the menfolk were having a few troubles getting a substantial fire going. (Even with the help of a leaf blower the whole fire was possibly not going to happen until right before I left.) My friend and I were having our monthly meet-up at a halfway-point Starbucks. That's why I had to do it. I bought a Turkey Sandwich out of that coffee empire's cold case. I was going to stop at Panera Bread, which I love, but I missed the exit and I just wasn't in the mood to backtrack. So an over-priced, decently-flavored-because-of-the-extra-fat sandwich was my dinner. (I also had a pumpkin latte which, to me, was the real star of the meal.) It was that or fast food and I couldn't go there for whatever reason. Not much else to say.

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