Wednesday, December 9, 2009

pumpkin waffles redux

Once again the dinner hour snuck up and attacked me from out of nowhere. Because of a women's Christmas tea at our church, we didn't have Daddy's Waffles on Saturday. Those two facts when added together came up with my answer for our hungry tummies: Pumpkin Waffles.

We've had these waffles before but they just weren't pumpkin-y enough. Tonight I decided to see if I could bring out the pumpkin-ness by adding more of the spices. I did and it did. If you're following the Vegan with a Vengeance recipe just increase the spices by fifty percent. Mmmmmmmmm.

I had some leftover whipping cream from making cookies with my son so I whipped it up. In hindsight I should have spiced it up with some nutmeg. (My friend loves nutmeg and has inspired me to think of ways to use the oft-overlooked spice.) Despite my oversight, the waffles topped with maple syrup and whipped cream were heavenly. Just right for the season surrounding a divine birth.

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