Monday, April 19, 2010

asian smorgasbord

All the recipes for dinner tonight came from The Vegetarian Family Cookbook.

 On the plate at 12 o'clock we have Vegetable Lo Mein, which sounds Chinese but it's made with soba noodles. Go figure. Veggies include purple cabbage, snow peas and mushrooms. Verdict? Bland.

Stir-fried Broccoli is at the five o'clock position. It had a simple sesame oil and soy sauce sauce that was rather good. My oldest daughter said she loved it.

And the most stretching-to-be-considered-Asian dish tonight is found at 8 o'clock: Asian Succotash. What?! Succotash? It's essentially corn, edamame and butter all heated up together. Since when is corn and butter ever considered Asian? Whatever it was, it will probably be served again. Corn and edamame go good together, by flavor and visually.

All-in-all the meal was good and the kids liked it. My problem is that each recipe said, "Serve Immediately" and the author, Nava Atlas, recommended all three of these dishes to be in one meal. How can I finish three dishes simultaneously so that they can all be served immediately? Answer: I couldn't.

Oh well.

PS - that picture sucks.

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