Thursday, April 1, 2010

did i mention i'm a liar?

Okay. We're back. Three words describe our Oregon fix-up-the-house trip: illness, stressful, and uncomfortable. And since we left in such a whirl, I'm coming home to a messy house, completely empty fridge and a kitchen floor littered with Texas red wasp corpses. (And a few live ones. I have no idea how they got in. I am freaked out.) So any thoughts I had of "catching up" are merely wishful thinking at this point. Instead I will start from now. Deal? (I'm sorry to say that whether or not you agree is irrelevant, I'm a government of one on this blog. You may call me "Ms. Dictator, Ma'am".)

Dinner tonight: Our church had a Seder meal lead by a messianic rabbi in celebration of Passover. It was awesome. The Jewish culture is so rich. I really enjoyed it. The meal part was potluck and everyone was supposed to bring KFP (Kosher For Passover) dishes. I mowed our lawn today and it took much longer than I expected (3 weeks of spring growth, baby). I had time only to make a salad. It was tasty though. No pictures but I'm sure you can imagine: romaine, spinach, steamed asparagus, red pepper, and carrot. I also made the basic vinaigrette from The Vegetarian Family Cookbook. It's a good one.

I went up for seconds because someone roasted red peppers and eggplant slices with some oil dressing and it was divine. As were the roasted potatoes, quinoa and tabbouli. I loved this potluck. Normally there are two vegetarian options at our potlucks. Mine that I bring and this other lady's. This time there were a lot, a lot of veggie dishes. Impressive for these meat-lovin' Texans. Not many people did seconds but that's what I'm all about. Skip the dessert and bring me more entree!

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